Random Rachel Rants

Monday, January 30, 2006

Self Disclosure

I have a drinking problem.

Often when I drink water, I find that much of it lands on me, rather than successfully make it into my mouth. At first, I was in denial. I blamed it on the large water bottle that I was using. Clearly, the indented bottle with the wide mouth which led to inconstant water flow was responsible for me missing my mouth, sometimes completely. I switched to a non indented, but still wide-mouthed bottle. When I continued to spill all over myself I chalked it up to the fact that I was drinking while in motion, whether walking or using the elliptical at the gym. I finally switched to a small water bottle with no indents. When this too resulted in an unplanned mid day shower... I had to admit to myself that I had a problem. And I've now come to realize that the problem extends to other uses of water, not just the drinking of it. Last night while washing dishes I suddenly found that my shirt (at counter level) and socks were quite wet, as the water had managed to flow from the plate I was rinsing onto the counter and onto the floor, unbeknownst to me. Today in class, I attempted to fill my water bottle today from one of those 500ml bottles of water. All was going well until I realized a moment too late that I had misjudged the volume of my water bottle and sure enough I found myself with wet jeans, in the middle of class.

I've identified the problem...now if only I could find the right 12 step program.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Discount Santa

Conversation I overheard last week in the local dollar store between an incredulous 6-year old boy and his mother:

"Look Mom! It's the same notebook as the one Santa brought me for Christmas! Does that mean Santa Clause shops here too?!"

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Highlights of the Week

Forget about being PC
"The Clarke, you know...to use layman's terms, that's where all the crazies go... (pause) I'm allowed to say that, I'm schizophrenic"
-patient with schizophrenia to my classmates

So THAT's why they stay late in the labs...
"One of my graduate students made this (rope and elastic contraption).
No, it's not an S&M device" -Prof in 8am lecture

"Reality" TV
Seminar leader: "They've known for a while that cigarette smoking reduces the rate of inflammatory diseases. Very recently it was determined to be due to the carbon monoxide"
Me: "Cool! That was on House a few weeks ago"

Sunday, January 15, 2006

West Wing with a side order of Cheese

Having not watched a full episode of West Wing in quite some time, I was thrown off by the ridiculous cheesiness of this line, spoken by Danny to CJ, toward the end of tonight's episode:

"So I was thinking that when I jump off the *cliff, and you get pushed off the cliff, maybe we could hold hands while we fall"

(*keeping in mind the cliff in mention is a proverbial one..)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Quotable Quotes

One hour into a rather complicated lecture today, the guest lecturer paused, looked at his slides and said "now, this is getting confusing for me". To which I silently wondered "and how the heck do you think we've been feeling for the last hour?!".

Sunday, January 08, 2006


In a moment of procrastination ( = mindless internet surfing) I stumbled upon this website For anyone else who gets excited by the sight of large amounts of bubble wrap (and the fun that awaits them by popping it), this site is kinda neat. I didn't quite get the initial rush that I get from popping large amounts of REAL bubble wrap (especially when done in bare feet)... but given that I don't currently have any bubble wrap in my possession... it wasn't such a bad alternative.

Add-in... a friend just sent me an infinitely cooler bubblewrap popping site .. this one looks more realistic and even includes a manic mode in which you can wave your mouse over the bubble wrap and pop lots of bubbles at once! You can even time yourself. I sense hours of fun ahead of me. Thank you!!!

Unusual Habit

Every now and then when I'm reading my friends' blogs, I'll take a quick glance at my own blog. Now, if I haven't posted anything new and if I haven't received an email telling me someone has posted a comment... my blog should be exactly the same as when I last viewed it. Yet, every time I check it, I wonder "hmm... I wonder if there's anything new today." You'd think by now I'd have caught on that it is incredibly unlikely that they will ever be something new on my blog that I didn't already know about before viewing it. Maybe I'll take up drunken-posting...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Welcome Back

As much as I was dreading the first day back to school after vacation, Monday turned out to be not so bad. As people slowly trickled in, everyone was all excited to be reunited, hugging and exchanging stories about their vacation (thankfully with limited shrieking). Seeing all of my classmates so happy to see each other kinda rubbed off on me and I joined in the hugging (I didn't have such exciting vacation stories to share). Now that the week is mostly over, I've caught up with most of my school friends, and I have to say... apparently I missed them more than I anticipated, and after 2 weeks apart, I'm really glad to see them, even if it means being back in class.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Eye Collage - Take Two

I raided the photographs on my computer from the last year or so to put this one together. So if I have a recent photograph of you, there's a good chance your eye is in this collage. Can you find it?