Random Rachel Rants

Monday, February 26, 2007

Winter Rituals

I greedily eyed the gently falling snow last night.. not caring that it would inevitably slow traffic or that people would need to shovel.. all I wanted to know was when exactly enough of it would fall so that I could play in it. Nearly an entire winter has passed and I had not yet re-experienced the wonder that is lying in a freshly fallen pile of soft snow. You know, the good kind that kinda feels like feathers... until it soaks through your clothes and then it's only pretty to look at...

While walking home tonight I realized that there were many untouched front lawns, just waiting for me to jump in. I resisted the urge until I was almost all the way home at which point I decided on the small area of grass (now covered in snow) right outside my apartment building. I carefully placed my knapsack and groceries on the sidewalk and then after checking to see that no one was watching, I climbed into the snow, paused for a moment, made a snow angel, then got up, dusted myself off and went inside.

Now, I'm officially ready for spring.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Today's Lesson

A watched pot might not boil, but an unattended pot most definitely will burn.

Go figure.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Adventures in Groceryland

As happens every now and again, the cashier seemed to have great difficulty ringing in my purchases tonight. After attempting to void an incorrectly entered purchase and needing to ask for supervisor assistance not once but twice, the cashier looked very frustrated. As she swiped my credit card I realized she hadn't rescanned the last item she had removed from the bill. I mentioned this to her to which she replied without hesitation, "yeah, I know.. but let's just keep that between me, you and the cheese".

Sweet. Free cheese is definitely worth the wait.