Random Rachel Rants

Sunday, January 08, 2006


In a moment of procrastination ( = mindless internet surfing) I stumbled upon this website For anyone else who gets excited by the sight of large amounts of bubble wrap (and the fun that awaits them by popping it), this site is kinda neat. I didn't quite get the initial rush that I get from popping large amounts of REAL bubble wrap (especially when done in bare feet)... but given that I don't currently have any bubble wrap in my possession... it wasn't such a bad alternative.

Add-in... a friend just sent me an infinitely cooler bubblewrap popping site .. this one looks more realistic and even includes a manic mode in which you can wave your mouse over the bubble wrap and pop lots of bubbles at once! You can even time yourself. I sense hours of fun ahead of me. Thank you!!!


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