Random Rachel Rants

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Subliminal Messages (aka "you know you're a girl when...")

I've always known that the media constantly shoves subliminal messages in our faces about everything, and especially about the "ideal" body image. Now I've always pretty much thought I was immune to it until the other day.... while watching a movie with some friends, I was munching on some cookies, when someone pointed out that I had absentmindedly suddenly started doing stomach crunches WHILE eating a cookie. No more TV or magazines for me for a while!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Cruel? Or just plain funny?

Having spent the year working in an office with several people who are ESL, we've had a lot of funny "ESL moments"... for example when one of my co-workers said he was going to Wasabi Beach for the weekend (he meant Wasaga) or when another one described the mall she was at as having been rather clouded (really, she meant crowded).
A friend of mine is teaching English in Japan for the year and recently directed my attention to a website that captures many of these "misuses" of English. I'm still trying to decide if it's cruel to poke fun at people's attempt to communicate in a language other than their native tongue.. but while I think about it, I'll try not to fall off my chair as I browse the website.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Sign on a lamp post

The word "FURNITURE" was written perpendicular to the main text, on both sides. But I can't figure out how to reproduce that, so just imagine it. The rest of the sign looked like this:


Someone out there certainly has weird definition of "furniture".