Random Rachel Rants

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Brown Eyed Girl (or why I shouldn't be allowed out with a digital camera)

I've always had a fascination with eyes, but most people find it uncomfortable to have me starring intently at them for more than a few seconds. While out the other night, I managed to convince the guys I was with to let me take some up close shots of their eyes. Once I zoomed in, I made the disappointing discovery that my eyes (top left) were the least interesting of the bunch (everyone else has at least 2 distinct rings of colour while mine are one consistent brown). The collage certainly makes for an interesting background image for my computer... and now I can stare at these eyes for as long as I want.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I'm a Beautiful Tree

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Can I borrow your parka?

As any of my classmates can attest (or at least those who sit near me in lecture), I am often quite cold, developing blue fingertips (yay peripheral cyanosis!) even when I'm dressed warmly. It's gotten to the point where I even wear my winter hat and occasionally gloves inside the lecture hall. Imagine my reaction when an email was sent out by the faculty regarding our first week back from break in January that contained the following advice:
"Please dress warmly that week (a sweater would be a good idea) as the room temperature in [the lecture hall] may be somewhat lower than usual. "

Lower than USUAL? A sweater would be a good idea? No, I think a parka would be a good idea. Stupid-making-us-go-to-class-when-the-school-is-technically-closed. That's gotta be a violation of my rights somehow...

Friday, December 09, 2005


(What Would Freud Say?)

Some people seem to have difficulty with reading aloud; they may stutter and stumble over words, or may leave out complete words. While discussing clinical scenarios the other day, our group's tutor read the following sentence, "a male physician is examining a 25 year old woman who is presenting with a small breast." Curious as to why having a "small breast" would constitute a medical condition, I then realized she had left out the word "lump" from the end of the sentence. Needless to say, our very embarrassed tutor refused to read any of the other scenarios herself.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Merry Christmas, Indeed

For years I have heard about all of the drunken shenanigans that go on at office Christmas parties from the movies, TV and random people I know. While I can relate to being drunk at parties, I could never relate to the Christmas/holiday party aspect of it.. until tonight. A holiday party was being thrown by one of the hospitals for the students... called for 4:00. I was there by 4:30.. and drunk by 5:00. Sad to say, there were no shenanigans, and only a bit of giggling.. but it did make the walk home less cold.
(Though it did make the walk longer as I stopped to look at all of the flashing Christmas lights along the way... you know..."ooooo... pretty")

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Gorilla Sighting!

I was studying in the cafeteria today when all of a sudden, in walked... a gorilla! Granted, it was a person dressed in a gorilla suit.. but that too is somewhat unusual on campus. The picture didn't come out well... but the gorilla left before I could approach him to pose for a better shot. Oh well.

Add-in dec/11: i drew this picture in response to the comment posted below....

Friday, December 02, 2005

Pants-Free Friday

Today I dropped my pants in front of my classmates.

I should probably explain. Every Friday in our "clinical skills" groups, we learn a new physical exam technique and then we go and practice on each other. Much of what we've learned thus far has involved being shirtless and the guys in the group have volunteered (or been voluntold) to be the "patient" while the rest of us practiced. We received an email last week asking us to please wear shorts or tights today as we would be learning the knee and hip exams. So I dutifully threw on a pair of shorts under my pants. So while someone else ended up having having most of the group check her knees (she volunteered more quickly than I did.. ), I did find myself dropping my pants in front of my group and hopping up on to the examination table. Strangely, more uncomfortable than taking off my pants, was the feeling of eyes on me as I put my pants back on, did up my belt, etc. At least now I know my knees are normal.