Random Rachel Rants

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

If Mohammed will not go to the mountain...

Due to a combination of overextending myself volunteering lately and one too many school deadlines, I've been a bit of a hermit in the last little while (see last post regarding my sleep deprivation). I didn't think it was any more so than my usual holing myself up studying but over the last two days I've received calls from a few friends, my parents and my grandmother wondering exactly what has become of me lately and why don't they ever hear from me or see me anymore. I guess it's heart warming to know that people notice my absence. That being said, I imagine that it's going to get worse and not better any time soon! Back to my hole... see you in the spring.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Something to look forward to for next year.

I typically get between six and seven hours of sleep each night. I need about eight, so I'm pretty much chronically sleep deprived. Due to a major project deadline, I found myself still working at 4:00am Sunday night, needing to be in class at 8:00am. I dragged myself through Monday, and was amazed to find just how refreshed I felt on Tuesday, having gotten my standard 6-7 hours of sleep. I guess it's just a matter of perspective.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

All Access Pass

I managed to crack a glass on my hand while washing dishes last night. While the bleeding didn't seem to want to stop, I also had no desire to go sit in Emerg for many many hours until someone could apply one stitch, maybe two. Eventually the bleeding did stop, and so on went the bandaid and I went to sleep.
This morning, the wound didn't look like it was healing well, and I had a seminar at the hospital anyway... so I wandered over to the emergency deparment, hospital ID in hand, and to the first person I saw (who looked like they worked there) I said, "Hi! I'm a medical student and I cut myself. Do you have any steri-strips?" The person looked at my hand, shrugged and said "yeah, I guess, okay, hold on..." He returned a moment later with the strips, applied them to my hand and sent me on my way. Now if simply stating that I'm a med student cut out the wait time and got me immediate treatment, I wonder what else it could work for?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Nice costume, wanna ....

I've heard of secret admirers sending candy or flowers or even a small plush toy.. but was I ever in for a surprise when I received an anonymous "condom-o-gram" on Halloween. My, that's one way of being very direct!

In case anyone wants clarification... the condom-o-grams were being sold by the group "Med Students for Choice", and it arrived at school... and not in my mailbox! So that certainly de-sketchifies things now, doesn't it.