Random Rachel Rants

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Sticky Situation

Added to the list of things I shouldn't be allowed to use, alongside sharp knives, is Crazy Glue. I don't think I have ever successfully glued the desired broken item back together without causing my fingers to stick to each other in the process. This morning I set out to fix my shoe. I read the instructions, very carefully tried to puncture the foil cover and the next thing I knew, the glue had shot out and was all over both hands, my carpet, and of course, the shoe I wished to fix. Instinctively I spread my fingers wide to prevent them from sticking to each other and so was only left with very uncomfortable feeling skin rather than attached digits. Although the labeling on the glue does warn "instantly bonds skin" - I've come to the conclusion that indeed, that is ALL that the glue does. Rather than a warning it should be the purpose of use, it's certainly bound to be more successful (and I've heard people use it for sealing wounds anyway.. so maybe I'm not so far off).

A challenge..

For the month of June, I'll be working at a district hospital in cottage country (so no new posts, most likely). I'll be living, however, on the grounds of the nearby Mental Health Hospital. Seeing as this is good material for jokes at my expense, I leave it to you (dear readers) for the best one liner. Thus far all I've heard is "so, one way or another they figured out how to get you in"
Can you do better?

Hostess with the Mostest?

Two of my classmates were hosting an end-of-year house-colding party tonight. The party was called for 7pm so I dutifully showed up at 9pm with drinks in hand. I called up but no one answered. I figured they must be on the phone. After following a stranger into the building, I went up to the girls' apartment and knocked on the door. No answer. I figured the music must be so loud that they couldn't hear me. So I banged louder and eventually went back downstairs to sort out what to do. At this point I ran into some more of my classmates and they joined in my perplexity of the situation. None of us had thought to bring either of the girls' cellphone numbers so without further information we eventually decided that for some reason or another the hostesses were simply not home... and decided that shouldn't stop us from enjoying ourselves, and so the drinking began in the hallway on the fourth floor.

The hostesses did eventually show up and were quite apologetic.. so all is forgiven.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Role reversal

Today we had our first clinical exam- we had to do different physical exam maneuvers as well as take histories from standardized patients (actors). One of the stations featured a woman who had come to see the doctor due to a prolonged cough/cold. I asked all of the typical questions (how long has this been going on, what makes it better/worse, any shortness of breath, etc.). Needless to say, being in midst of a bout of bronchitis myself, I was coughing and having a hard time catching my breath throughout the interview. By the time I was done I had apparently generated so much sympathy for my own health that both the SP and the evaluator wished me a speedy recovery. The irony of the reversal in roles was clearly not lost on the evaluator.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Unusual Sight

Walking home last night around 11pm, I heard Latin music playing. I figured it was just someone's car radio but as I got closer I realized it was coming from a stereo - and there was a group of 8 people dancing in a line! I was so confused that I just stopped and stared (from across the road, of course) but could make out no reason for this random street entertainment. I watched for a few minutes and then carried on home.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Deep Thoughts (I)

Two of my friends (X and Y) have a tendency to get very hyper and spout seeming incomprehensible nonsense intermixed with laughter at each other. In midst of all this are some moments of incredible insight. The following exchange occurred tonight during a bout of silliness between X and Y...

Me to X's girlfriend: can you understand all of this nonsense?
Girlfriend: Pretty much. I've known them since they first became friends, years ago.
Me: That's impressive.
Y: If she was with the caterpillar, then of course she gets the butterfly!


The Undervalued Opposable Thumb

Recently (last Friday in fact) I had a kitchen incident which resulted in a knife (a rather sharp one) going through part of my thumb and thumb nail. After eventually getting the bleeding to stop, and deciding I wouldn't need stitches, I applied a band-aid. Since my thumb was in some pain, I decided I would avoid using it as much as possible. This led me to the discovery of just how important my thumb truly is. I had one hell of a time try to fasten my buttons, and picking up small items became nearly impossible. Fortunately it was my right hand (I'm a lefty) or writing would have also been quite challenging. I have since learned an important lesson in evolution (I could never have achieved so much in life without my thumb) as well as in common sense (I'm not to be trusted with sharp knives).