Random Rachel Rants

Sunday, February 26, 2006


I can't believe my life has come to this - today, I actually lined up to get into the library.

There is something seriously wrong with this.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

OCD Fails Me

Being the mildly obsessive compulsive person that I am, I tend to check and recheck that I have set my alarm clock correctly (both the time and "flicking the switch") before shutting my light and going to sleep. Most of the time this results in me waking up at the desired time in the morning. I have occasionally run into the "AM/PM problem" (so THAT's what the little dot is for), and I have had occasional power outage issues. This morning when my alarm went off, I did my usual snooze-for-10 minutes. After 10 minutes, I decided that since I was still feeling exhausted, I was deserving of another 10 minute snooze. This repeated 4 times. When I finally did decide to get up, I noticed it was quite dark outside... and after consulting with both my watch and the kitchen stove clock.. I realized that in addition to setting the alarm the previous night, I had ALSO managed to change the time on my clock by one hour . So it turns out that while my "apparent OCD" can help ensure that I bother to set my alarm, it can't cure my stupidity.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

What was he thinking??

The "What was he Thinking" award for this week goes to one of my classmates for the following question (during a seminar on body fluids and sodium loss)...

"So if you were stuck on a desert island, would it be better to drink your own urine, or make a seawater enema?"

(In case you were wondering, they are both bad ideas... and how exactly you would make a seawater enema while stranded on said desert island is certainly beyond me.)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Happy Cell

While studying for my histology exam last month, I was looking at a slide of blood cells. Imagine my surprise when I moved the slide around only to find a neutrophil (type of white blood cell) distinctly smiling at me..

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Word of The Day (1)

I often think of words of the day, and yet rarely share them...
but when I stumbled upon this website I decided that sphenopalatineganglioneuralgia HAD to be today's word of the day. It means "ice cream headache".