Random Rachel Rants

Monday, November 14, 2005

Eggs, please

Living downtown, I have been biking to school most days, taking side streets or main streets with bikelanes whenever possible. A classmate of mine who is an avid biker was telling me that he will physically hit cars (with his fist) if they cut him off. He then told me about a friend of his who would like to keep a carton of eggs in the front basket of his bike, so that he can thrown them at cars when they cut him off or try to open their doors into his path. Thus far, I've been pretty lucky and have not had a reason to want to hit or egg cars... until tonight. While riding home on a major street, I noticed that a car up ahead had its reversing lights on, as it was backing out of a parking spot. I slowed down to go around the car, and the car began to pull into the lane, aimed directly at me. I swerved further into the middle of the road and the car continued to be straight on my path, putting itself in a collision course with me. At the last minute I managed to avoid getting hit.. through a combination of hitting my less-than-functional brakes and swerving the other direction (at least, I think that's what happened).

Pissed off (and a little shaken), I could have certainly used some eggs.


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