Random Rachel Rants

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bat Mitzvah with Bling

I'd heard of people going overboard on bat mitzvah parties, but this is ridiculous. What's she going to do for her wedding? Rent out a football stadium and have U2 play?


  • At 11/17/2005 1:39 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ridinger,

    I'm glad that someone has finally had the insight to realize the true significance of the Bat Mitzvah celebration. Not only that, but you have clearly made sure to start your daughter off on a path of success.

    My advice to you? Well, clearly you've figured out all of the important parenting stuff. I would just suggest that you enjoy the precious time you have with your daughter. Because once she grows up and goes out into the world, you won't see her as often as you used to... well, except for all of the press coverage your little attention whore will attract. And of course, when the first sex tape hits the web... I guess you'll be seeing a lot of her then.


    PS Thank you for being a major reason why people hate Americans.


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