Random Rachel Rants

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Raindrops keep fallin'...

I walked out of work today into a thunderstorm in progress. I smiled and my eyes lit up, like those of a small child really excited about a new toy. Rather than standing under the shelter, I took a few tentative steps out into the rain and breathed in deeply. Immediately, memories of summer camp and being out in nature flooded my mind. I looked around at the other people waiting for the bus (who were various degrees of soaked) and was surprised to discover that no one looked unhappy about being wet. Instead, people seemed to be enjoying some relief from the oppressive heat of the past few days. The bus arrived, and the wet passengers climbed on.. everyone giggling and grinning sheepishly to each other as they acknowledged that yes, they knew their clothing was drenched, and no, they did not care. As the rain intensified people quickly reached to shut the bus windows and pull the roof hatch closed, involving some team work. Rather than impatiently waiting for the bus to arrive at its destination, I found myself mesmerized by the sounds of thunder and pounding rain on the bus roof. In the middle of a busy city during rush hour, I managed to find a few moments of relaxation. While being stuck in the city for the summer certainly isn't ideal, at least I can still enjoy the storms.


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