Random Rachel Rants

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Strange Phenomena

I've recently taken note of a strange phenomena. Over the past year when people have asked me about my plans in life, and I told them I had applied to medical school, many people have had this sudden urge to share their most terrible and disturbing doctor stories with me. I've heard about mis-diagnoses ("they told me, go home, you're fine... and 2 days later I found myself in the ER needing surgery!"), rude doctors ("This won't hurt... I lied"), test results not shared ("..and for some reason they didn't feel a need to tell me I had had a stroke!"), and a whole slew of other tales of "bad medicine". After sharing these stories with me, the individual will look at me and say, "if you become a doctor, don't be like that". "Okay", I say, seems fair enough.

What I've started to become curious about, is whether or not this is a phenomena shared with other professions. When someone tells you they want to become a teacher, do you suddenly share your horror stories of your psychotic high school English teacher? If they tell you they want to be a lawyer do you tell them about the lawyer that you once had to deal with who was a real jerk? Or when people share their career goals with you, do you just smile and say "well, good luck with that. I'm sure you'll be great."

I could certainly use some encouragement :0)


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