Crossing Paths...
I arrived a little bit early to the subway station today where my parents were meeting me. Anxious about my upcoming exam, my face was burried in my notes when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a small South Asian older woman, carrying several heavy bags, having a difficult time navigating a flight of stairs. I walked over and asked if I could help her. She said yes, and I took her bags. As we both walked down the stairs, she told me her name is Lalitha, she works on the radio, and the heavy bags that I was now carrying are full of books. I nodded and smiled figuring she was just another eccentric old lady, somewhat off her rocker. She asked me for my name and if I was student. So I introduced myself. She lit up when I told her I was a medical student. We chatted for a few more moments as we walked down the last set of stairs. I placed her bags on the ground and told her it was a pleasure to have met her. As I turned to leave, Lalitha said "wait! let me give you a book!". I said "no, it's okay.." but she insisted that it was appropriate, since I am a medical student. She gave me a book, and hugged me, and I walked away. A minute later, I took a good look at the book and realized that SHE was the author. It is entitled "Peace with Justice" and is a collection of Lalitha's poems. Upon reading the inside foreword, I found out she is not only a TV/radio broadcaster/producer but also a social worker, an artist and is deeply involved in community service. My impression of her changed dramatically as I realized what a fascinating lady she truly is. And then I realized that if I had arrived but a few minutes later to the station, our paths would likely never have crossed, and I smiled.
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